Our online course students are achieving incredible results. Read about ’em here.

Wanna learn how to get freelance writing clients and become a top copywriter like our students? Click below to fast-track to the results for the course you’re interested in, or take a scroll to read all the reviews!
Killer Cold Emailing student results!

“I was able to earn over $15,000 freelance writing in the last 4 months!”

“Jorden’s Killer Cold Emailing course gave me the confidence, motivation, and tools I needed to become a successful business owner as a writer! With her clear and direct approach, I was able to earn over $15,000 in the last 4 months!”

Swamped with new freelance writing clients just after sending 30 cold emails!

“I think I wrote 30 cold emails— not many at all. But I kept them simple and straightforward.
I got so swamped with work I started turning it down and raising my rates!”

“Within 48 hours of starting the Killer Cold Emailing course, I sent out my first cold email and heard back with a contract offer for $1,400 before the week was over!”

From working in content mills to making $9,000-$12,000 per month!

“In the first month after I took her course, I made $1k more than I ever had before.
And now, I make between $9,000 and $12,000 per month!
After about 5 months, I stopped needing to reach out for work as it started coming to me by word of mouth!”

$2,800 in client work within about 3 weeks of implementing the Killer Cold Emailing process!

“After implementing what I learned and correcting my previous mistakes, I got one client on a monthly retainer for weekly blog posts.
So far they’ve paid $2,300. I also got another client to pay me $500 for a one-off. ”

$1,400 freelance writing her FIRST MONTH after quitting her job!

“In the first month of quitting my job and starting to cold email, I made over $1000 – $350 per post for 4 blog posts, right off the bat!
I make over $3,000 a month just with the freelance writing clients I have now and hope to expand soon!”
Ready to start your freelance writing business so you can work from home (even if you have no experience, no degree, and no clue where to begin)?

…You’re seconds away from learning about Killer Cold Emailing and becoming the next success story!
Fuck Yeah Freelance Blogging student results!

From Upwork and soul-sucking jobs to landing $1,200/mo and $1,500/mo clients!

Before Fuck Yeah Freelance Blogging, I alternated between working myself to death on UpWork and suffering through soul-sucking office jobs.
But now, I’ve landed three amazing clients, and got a byline on an ideal portfolio piece!

“Since enrolling in the FYFB course, most of my blog posts rank on page 1 of Google!”

“I landed my first client – a BIG name that paid $150-250 per blog post!”

“Within 2 months, I had a website up, my LinkedIn optimized and landed my first client – a BIG name that paid $150-250 per blog post.
That big name then landed me more amazing opportunities and now I get to choose clients I’m passionate about and do what I love while living in Barcelona!”
Ready to write blog posts with a shit-ton of confidence so you can command $200-$400+ per post with ease?