From broke ass to stackin’ cash (as a beginner writer and college dropout!)

(Not like, “obnoxiously flexing my 7 Lamborghinis on IG” cash, but definitely “travel wherever/whenever I want and buy lots of overpriced Whole Foods vegan food” cash!)
When I started freelance writing, I was a college dropout who had just lost my job and felt totally lost in life and my career.
Fast forward to today, and I run a successful online business that has allowed me to travel full-time, achieve financial stability, and buy my Chihuahua all the treats he wants (the main priority, obviously).
Read on to learn exactly how I did it, and remember…
If I can do this, you can too!
Oh, hey! I’m Jorden, the leader of the Writing Revolt.
…But not long ago, I was a broke, clueless college dropout whose work experience consisted mostly of soul-sucking retail and call center jobs.
I felt so hopeless and confused. I couldn’t afford college, I had no one to help me out financially, and I felt like all my creative potential was going to waste at dead-end jobs.
My last-full time job was so stressful that it made me physically ill. (Hellooooo stress eye twitch and excruciating neck pain I was WAY too young to have!) And then…

My husband and I walked out of work that day scared and uncertain of our future. What were we going to do? We barely had any savings, and I didn’t have any impressive work experience on my résumé.
All I knew was I needed to make a living, and fast. I had wanted to start freelance writing for so long, so…

Instead of crawling back to another dead-end job, I decided to bet on myself. I decided I would go “all in” on my dream of writing for a living and do whatever it took to make it happen, even though I was terrified.
It wasn’t glamorous at first, and honestly, writing for a living felt like a long shot. But I sat down at my old laptop in my cheap apartment, and I did the work anyway.
I made a portfolio site for myself, and then, I started pitching and cold emailing. In a matter of weeks, I had my first $1,000 freelance writing from home!

Thanks to my business, I’ve been able to travel full-time, retire my spouse, and devote tons of time to creative passions like writing and music.
This all happened in spite of my lack of experience and a college degree. It happened because I believed in myself and boldly chased my dreams. I want you to know –– you can do it too!

I started the Writing Revolt to fight against content mills and bidding sites – and to help writers like you make an incredible living working from home (or anywhere in the world!).
At Writing Revolt, we stand for:
- Fair pay and respect for writers
- Charging what you’re worth
- Boldly chasing your writing dreams
(Psst! We share our best advice in our popular weekly newsletter. Get it here for free!)

“I was able to earn over $15,000 freelance writing in the last 4 months!”
Stephanie, Killer Cold Emailing Student
Stephanie, Killer Cold Emailing Student

$2,800 in client work within about 3 weeks of implementing Killer Cold Emailing!
Nabeel, Killer Cold Emailing Student
Nabeel, Killer Cold Emailing Student

“I sent out my first cold email and heard back with a contract offer for $1,400 before the week was over!”
Cierra, Killer Cold Emailing Student
Cierra, Killer Cold Emailing Student

From soul-sucking jobs to $1,200/mo and $1,500/mo clients!
Marley, Fuck Yeah Freelance Blogging Student
Marley, Fuck Yeah Freelance Blogging Student
Joining the Writing Revolt means being willing to take action when it’s scary, and revolting against anyone who tells you that you can’t do it (including yourself!).

Sure, you’ll learn all about how to become a better copywriter and how to get high-paying freelance writing clients… but you’ll also learn how to take action in spite of your fears and finally go after your dream life!
Start now with my favorite tools, programs, and courses for freelance writers/copywriters!
This page contains affiliate links, which means I receive a commission when you purchase using my link. These links cost you nothing extra to use, and they allow me to keep creating free content. I only recommend products I stand behind 100%. I truly appreciate the support! <3
- A free domain for your writing portfolio/website/blog!
- A fiction and creative writing tool that, I shit you not, CHANGED MY FRICKIN’ LIFE!
- My #1 recommended SEO tool and what I use to rank on page 1 of Google searches again and again!
- The super intuitive and easy-to-use invoicing software that helps you look profesh and track your finances.
- Step One: Killer Cold Emailing
This course is all about how to get to your first $1,000 (and beyond) as a freelance writer – even with no experience!
Learn how to niche down, create a portfolio as a beginner, and pitch your way to boatloads of new writing clients.
- Step Two: Fuck Yeah Freelance Blogging
This course is all about blog post copywriting! You’ll learn how to write blog posts that drive business results so you can CONFIDENTLY command $200-$400+ per post.(Instead of being too scared to even charge $50!)
…Wait, you’re really STILL here? Go, TAKE ACTION!
You don’t need a college degree or any experience to get started. You just need to be willing to take action – even when you’re scared!
Join over 13,000 writers in my top free masterclass loaded with an actionable, no-bullshit, 3-step plan to get you to your first $1,000 as a freelance writer!