Hi friend! Jorden here, and I’m back with another AMAZING student success story.
Today, we’re talking to William, a Killer Cold Emailing student who landed so many clients after taking the course that he had to quit his job! #LivingTheDream 🙂
Keep reading to learn more about his experience, his niche, his AWESOME cold email conversion rates, how many freelance writing clients he landed and how long it took, and his advice for other writers.
How William Quit His Job to Write Full-time (A Killer Cold Emailing Review / Student Success Story!)
1. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your business!
I’ve been writing for about 6 years, and I’ve done everything under the sun. I started writing screenplays, stories, novels, you name it.
I had some small wins here and there with all of my projects, but never really made it out of the beginner stage.
It wasn’t until about 8 months ago that I became really serious about writing and making a living from it.
I’m about to turn 30, so I figured now’s a great time to start.
I didn’t want to be 35, 40, 45, 50, still waiting to become a writer.
I’m happy to say I’ve been writing full time for the past two months and I’m on track to make more money in a month than I’ve ever made in the same time-frame with a full-time job.
My website is www.bartonwrites.co — I used Jorden’s Killer Cold Emailing method for website creation and I’ve found that my site makes conversations with business and blog owners much easier.
Side note: I haven’t used Facebook in years and I started one when I signed up for Killer Cold Emailing.
I think I have 3 friends, ha!
(They’re all from the Killer Cold Emailing Mastermind)
So please add me on Facebook.
More friends would be nice.
2. What is your niche / what kinds of clients do you work with?
I write for men’s fashion and lifestyle blogs.
We do a lot of product reviews, roundups, and general style tips.
I didn’t aim for that niche, really. It just sort of happened over the years. That being said, I love it and I’m having a great time. The editors I work with are all great and there’s a lot of interesting work.
3. What problems were you facing in your business that prompted you to join the Killer Cold Emailing course? Why did you decide to join?
I had just one consistent client, which wasn’t going to get me to my goal of full-time work.
But I had no idea how to go about getting another one.
I would write these long, awesome job applications for Upwork and wouldn’t hear anything back. It felt like a huge waste of time.
Killer Cold Emailing came along and I was totally fed up. I signed up and committed to following the steps.
If it didn’t work, I knew I’d end up learning something I didn’t know before.
If it worked, well, then, it worked.
4. Did you have any hesitations about joining the Killer Cold Emailing course? If so, what were they?
This was the first course I bought. I know there’s a ton of information online for free.
But I had no idea which was good and which was bunk. Literally anyone can put up a blog post and say whatever they want.
Going with a course that had history was a big thing for me. Knowing that other people tried it and had success is what put me over the edge.
It was a big investment for me at the time. Heck, it’d still be a big investment for me.
But it’s an investment.
I promised myself to stick to the plan until I’d made double the money I paid.
I did that month two.
5. What results have you seen since implementing what you learned in Killer Cold Emailing?
I had a goal of picking up just one new client every month.
I’d send out probably four or five highly targeting and specific emails a day (Jorden recommends ten). I just wanted to see how many emails I’d have to send to get one client.
I followed that routine for two weeks and sent 32 emails.
8 of those emails landed jobs (that’s a 25% success rate from a single cold email—great!). I turned down 3 of those offers because they weren’t the right fit/ the pay was too low (this is really important, too).
I literally had to quit my job to keep up with all the demand for my writing.
The last two weeks working full time were insane. I’d do three or four 20-hour days in a week. The 14-hour days felt like days off. It was nuts, and I hated it. But it was only two weeks.
Now my schedule is more manageable.
I’m figuring out how to run this writing business as effectively as possible. I’m working long days and still working through challenges (like how to ‘shut off’).
But I had a goal, reached out for guidance, and achieved my dream. Sounds cheesy, but it’s true.
6. How long did it take you to see those results?
I already had a bare-bones site. I spent probably two weeks updating that and making it great. Then I spent another two weeks cold emailing.
So it took me a month to get things going.
Even though I say I’m not cold email prospects anymore, I still use what I learned every single day.
7. What would be the main reason(s) you’d recommend this course to other freelance writers?
Putting money down forced me to do something I wasn’t comfortable with.
I committed to trying something new.
Maybe that’s just me, but it worked!
8. Is there anything else you’d like to add?
Think of Killer Cold Emailing like an investment.
Whatever the cost is, just commit to recouping it.
What you learn in the process will stay with you for life.
Want to be the next student success story and start writing full-time from home (or anywhere with an internet connection)?
Click here to learn more about Killer Cold Emailing and enroll / get on the waitlist so you don’t miss out!